Kleider-Spende fürs CMC
Aufgrund einer Spende war es uns möglich, eine gewisse Anzahl Second-Hand-Kleider für die Bedürftigen zu erwerben. Zudem wird unsere Essens-Abgabe auf reguläere Basis durchgeführt.
Zur Verbesserung und Förderung von Lebenssituationen
Ein Projekt der AllMyBusiness GmbH
Aufgrund einer Spende war es uns möglich, eine gewisse Anzahl Second-Hand-Kleider für die Bedürftigen zu erwerben. Zudem wird unsere Essens-Abgabe auf reguläere Basis durchgeführt.
Due to a donation we were able to buy some second hand clothes for the needy at CMC. Our food programme is being conducted on a regular basis.
Our Ministry is currently in a restructuring phase. We redefine our goals and strategies, which is why we need to temporarily pause our partner activities.Unfortunately, with our partnership programs, we raised false expectations among the people we supported. People we supported in emergency situations suddenly meant they were receiving regular support from us and even…
This weekend the first AMI / CMC festival day took place at the Cross Mission Center in Nairobi. People were given food and were touched by the Holy Spirit to surrender their lives to Jesus.
Finally our partner ministry OnCalvary.org has reached its goal to open an online discipleship training for people seeking to invest theirselves more into the kingdom of God. Please click on the link to visit the website: Calvary Discipleship
We are happy to say that the food programme for children and poor families has been successfully continued. It is a cooperation between AMI and CMC (Cross Mission Center) in Nairobi, Kenya. We have got good feedback.
The 2nd food distribution programme at the Cross Mission Center in Nairobi successfully took place. Happy faces and moved hearts. Children and families were glad to receive some support.
Since we were able to provide a little support for pastor Benjamin’s jiko business he was happy to buy some new pots.
Letztes Wochenende haben wir unser erstes Essens-Abgabe-Programm für Kinder und arme Familien durchgeführt, im Cross-Mission-Zentrum in Nairobi, Kenia. Die Leute waren dankbar zu erhalten und waren freudig zu geben. Dies hat das Herz eines Mannes berührt, sodass er bezeugt hat, in Zukunft in die Kirche zu kommen. Auch Hilflose, Geschiedene und Arbeitslose haben Essen empfangen….
Last weekend we managed to hold our first food programme for poor families at the Cross Mission Center in Nairobi. People were grateful to receive and we were joyful to give. This touched one man’s heart so that he confessed to be coming to church on Sunday. Food was also received by helpless persons, single…