Another clothes donation for CMC
Again, the community of the Cross Mission Church received another donation for clothes and books for new believers.
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Again, the community of the Cross Mission Church received another donation for clothes and books for new believers.
Bishop Francis Mulinge Muia agreed these days to help Alive Ministries International to spread the word of God in Kenya.He is founder and pastor of the Cross Misson Center in Nairobi, Kenya. He has a burning heart for evangelisation and also for the poor. Together we have the vision to reach the lost and helpless.
The Swiss company Euphony Ltd. which produces high quality WiFi/Bluetooth speakers for outdoor use agreed to become sponsor of Alive Ministries International. This company is still a startup and we can recommend their products.
In the beginning of this week heay rainfalls unfortunately destroyed the church building of the SCFC Ogembo. Now they are looking for sponsors to build a new one. Any donation is very appreciated.
Starting in Mwingi, Kenya, we are trying to establish a street work project to reach out to people in spiritual need. With Rev. Geoffrey Matiti as leader in place, we were already happy to have reached few people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. As addition to this project we also try to establish…
We are happy to say that the food programme for children and poor families has been successfully continued. It is a cooperation between AMI and CMC (Cross Mission Center) in Nairobi, Kenya. We have got good feedback.
Due to lockdown many people were not able to go for work, and so they had no chance to achieve any income for their daily needs. That’s why we have extended our food programme for members of the Cross Mission Church in Nairobi, Kenya. Also some people from other countries like Uganda were happy to…